About Us

Our Objective & Goals

Our Mission



What We Do

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R T H is a non profit Organisation targeting socio economic problem around the world. RTH is dedicated to eradication of poverty, empowerment of women, health and education for children and emotional and social support to the needy, underprivileged and abused. We want to provide financial and emotional support to people who are making a difference in the world.

The Main Values and Approach We Believe in:
Reach the Hearts believes in people, and commitment to development, diversities and peace. We contribute by working together in changing minds, changing practice, and changing lives, increasing the capabilities of poor and marginalized people, in order to bring about sustained social change that makes their lives easier.

The Vision of Reach the Hearts Foundation:
There are basic human rights-the rights of each person in this world to health, education, shelter, and security. A world where everyone has access to food and clean water, security, health, childhood, education, emotional and social support, and promote the right of every women and man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.